2025 Rally Entry Form

Please read and submit your entries by Sunday 13th July. If you have more than one entry please complete another entry form once submitting.

It gives us great pleasure to invite you to attend our Annual Rally. We will assemble at the Kirkwall Auction Mart site and welcome entries of cars, commercials, tractors, motorbikes, stationary engines and any other farm implements or machinery from Orkney or further afield. We have an indoor exhibition area where we show collections or club displays and demonstrations of crafts or trades from a bygone era. A catalogue of the event is produced listing all the exhibits, which is useful for the public and the exhibitors alike. To produce this in time for the rally we ask that you submit this form by Sunday 13th July. Late entries are welcome, but they will not necessarily be parked among the correct exhibit group in the rally field or be printed in the catalogue.

The following conditions apply to this event.

Exhibits should be on site by 12 noon on Saturday and by 10am on Sunday. Please indicate on the form if you intend to exhibit on one or both days. All exhibitors must comply with the safety conditions in operation for the rally and instructions of the marshals on duty. Static exhibits must not be moved between 12 noon Saturday and 5pm Sunday.

A 5 MPH speed limit will be in operation in all display areas during the period of the show

All moving or working exhibits must have public liability insurance for this event with a minimum indemnity of £1,000,000 this is the usual amount offered by your own insurance but best to check your policy if in doubt. The Road Traffic Act applies to all areas on the Rally Field; therefore, driving of vehicles without insurance, MOT or a valid driving licence cannot be permitted. In the interests of their safety children must not be allowed to ride on tractors or machinery. Orkney Vintage Club members are covered by the Club insurance for static exhibits only and a cover note can be requested from the secretary. Club membership costs £10.00 and can be applied for before the show by joining the Orkney Vintage Club on the website or contacting the secretary on orkneyvc@gmail.com.

Discounted travel to the rally from entries out with Orkney

Northlink Ferries usually award the club discounted travel on its routes to Orkney from Aberdeen, Scrabster and Shetland including return on a successful application . A discount code will be available upon request after completing a valid entry form if the clubs application is successful. To get your discount code please email: orkneyvc@gmail.com

To view a list of terms and conditions please visit our Orkney Classic Motor Show – Terms & Conditions page.